
Tomorrow’s Health, Today

Our goal is nothing less than a better, healthier future for all of Africa.


Who is EJO Health?

We started with a simple question: How do we improve the healthcare of Africans?

Our intention from outset was to create a digital health solution reflecting ​The Sovereignty Network’s vision of providing people around the world access to a personal copy of their healthcare data, while making healthcare delivery more efficient. This has been accomplished by building a healthcare standards-based solution leveraging SNOMED CT's clinical terminology and FHIR for data interoperability.


What once took 20 minutes to complete on paper-based forms has been reduced to 5 minutes through the use of the Ejo Health application on an iPad


The likelihood of transcription errors has been greatly reduced through specific selection criteria and automated calculations (e.g. drug dosages).


Community Health Workers no longer need to haul and manage around 12-16kg of paper every day


Three SNOMED CT-encoded language options (English, French and Kinyarwanda) can be switched interchangeably depending on which language the Community Healthcare Worker prefers.

In Rwanda, where the program was tested, Community Healthcare Workers and their patients transformed cumbersome paper records into easily accessible, transferable and measurable healthcare data on tablets or mobile phones. The data also has the potential to be made available to the entire care network that the patient engages with.


The State of Health in Africa

Recognizing that The African Union desires to set up a standards and interoperability taskforce to oversee standards-selection and interoperability issues, Ejo Health has adopted a similar process at a micro level – it is a grassroots approach assessing, selecting and implementing international standards into its platform.

Like many places in the world, while there has been progress on digital health in Africa, substantial barriers remain because the foundation elements have not been adequately addressed.

Why the need for Ejo Health? Community Health Workers are not clinicians, but the first line of public healthcare for many people in Africa, often working without pay, they are the unrecognized backbone throughout much of African Healthcare.

They and their patients frequently find themselves working in heartbreaking situations. Under equipped and often isolated, inadequate and late data often results in tragic outcomes. Many would be avoidable with more accurate, standards-based data along with timely reporting.


Real Problems Require Real Solutions

Operating with only the most basic resources it is perhaps with the Community Healthcare Workers and other community-based roles that the most transformational changes can be made: Improving workflow, training and education. Reducing errors. Engaging patients and improving their level of care. Surfacing data for the very first time, making it immediately available for triage as well as public health analysis. And measuring outcomes can lead to more efficient resource allocation.

Ejo Health has chosen to initially focus on two areas where the most impact can be made on health throughout Africa, Maternal and Child Health and wellbeing.

Efforts to develop health technology and Universal Health Coverage on the part of both the African Union and the World Bank, together with global standards organizations and industry partners like SNOMED CT and FHIR, Ejo Health presents impactful opportunities to drive change for the patients and citizens of Africa.

As we move forward and continue to extend Ejo Health throughout Africa and beyond, developing an approach to progress from observed outcomes to measured outcomes will be important and open doors for collaboration with regional, national and international health policy and decision makers.

Our Vision

Improving healthcare outcomes in Africa and beyond through digital health solutions that universally connect yet are easily localized.

Our Mission

Support universal healthcare by addressing health inequities in Africa​. ​Harness clinical and data standards built into our digital health tools to empower healthcare workers and patients with accessible, transferable and measurable healthcare data that improves health outcomes. With Ejo Health data flows where it needs to go, to whom it needs to go, when it needs to go.


Provide the Tools

The data is able to be shared under their control. Low digital maturity in healthcare is a barrier that can be partly overcome having an app in the hand of the “Head of Household” as well as the Community Health Worker.


Educate the People

Clinical areas to expand next include women’s and men’s health along with Non-Communicable Diseases. Geographical areas to consider expansion to include the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa, India and South East Asia.


Build the Future

There are no limits to where this can go… Reliable, timely and standardized data to inform health policy changes, improve the supply chain, improve care delivery capabilities and empower people and communities to better manage their health and be stewards of their data.


Speaking of the Future...

The Ejo Health app has the technical capacity to expand rapidly, leveraging SNOMED CT and FHIR - including the ability to integrate with Electronic Health Records such as OpenMRS and IHMS. Region-specific diseases can be highlighted, leveraging SNOMED CT structured data elements and analysis capabilities for population health to see how different people react in different areas.

Ejo Health’s adoption of data standards provides preferred access to markets where standards are being adopted and/or mandated. The interoperability provided by SNOMED CT’s semantic standardization and FHIR’s messaging standardization places Ejo Health at the forefront of a world where people are more mobile than ever before.

EJO Health is only part of the story...

Ejo Health is an important part of a much larger conversation. That conversation is powered by our larger network of services and applications. Learn more about them below...

The Sovereignty Network

Our standards-based personal health record​ solution that significantly streamlines health research​ and directly interacts with Cure8 and Ejo clinical products​.

Learn More

EJO Health

Making a difference in Africa with our SNOMED International partnership​. Our pilot proved outcomes in Rwanda for Community Child Health. Ejo is applicable globally for community and indigenous health applications

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Cure8 Health

A new vision for a standards-based patient management system​. Used by NZ Allied Health clinicians​ for patient scheduling, onboarding, check-in, clinical notes, ACC (insurance) claiming and invoices.

Learn More

Our Partners

Our Partner SNOMED International has grasped the vision and potential outcomes, supporting TSN to help develop the Ejo Health application for Africa.

You can read all about our partnership with SNOMED International in this press release.

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with others to show that African and other developing nations’ healthcare can leverage SNOMED-CT data structures and FHIR data interoperability to leapfrog so-called “developed nations”. From Africa to the World…